Performance by Angeliki Hatzi
Kerameikou 28, Athens
March-May 2010
performers: Nikolas Fragioudakis, Eva Kalomoiri
scenography: Yannis Arvanitis
graphic design: Bend
produced by: Frown Tails
We ll meet again is looking at the notion of behavior and the way elements of the everyday and social encounters can be brought into performance and erupt the performance structure. The performers tend to transform ordinary everyday activities into dance movements and absurdity. The performance gradually leads to deconstruction and chaos.
We ll meet again is the final stage of a series of performances: Luke/Molly and Luke/Eva.
The title refers to the nature of the performance: Each performance day is a new meeting between the performers as well as between performers and audience. Whilst following a specific structure, the performers perform new tasks every time they meet, this way preserving the quality of an everyday occasion. It therefore refers to and denotes the nature of performance overall which is unrepeated in its repetitiveness.
Madness over structure
The uniqueness of the event, when experienced by people, possesses the notion of now, and is unrepeatable even if it is repeated. This is a series of only onces which are always unique in their repetition. Deconstruction theories reject established pairs such as form and function, signifier and signified as well as the ideas of unity, certainty, and that of an identifiable language. Deconstruction defies the rules of homogeneity and hierarchy, the unified structure or any kind of conceptual unity, the familiarity and comfort, the cause and effect relationships, the relationship of signifier and signified, the context, the absolute truth, the meaning. Instead it proposes heterogeneity, fragmentation, madness and playfulness. It has no meaning.
The idea of improvisation, of a not fixed relationship with what we experience is related to spontaneity, the ability to let one self in the excitement and the surprise. This pleasure of the lived experience is addressed to each person individually and its importance lies to the fact that it is exactly the same for everyone. The ideas of meaning, structure and origin are being questioned in favor of the provisional, the unexpected and the differences. In any system of signs, thus, in any experience the notion of pre-existence, of an absolute identity or a structure through which signs are identified or acquire meaning is rejected over the possibility of differences.