Direction/Choreography: Angeliki Hatzi
Set Design:Yannis Arvanitis
Costumes:Konstantinia Vafeiadou
Nikolas Fragkioudakis
Pierre Magendie
Yannis Pavlopoulos
Dimitra Sofou
Roxanie Zogana
performed at REMAP 3-International platform of contemporary art, Frown, Athens, and Municipal Theatre of Serres, Greece
Pattern is a movement based performance/installation placed among shelves, textiles and a catwalk.
The preparation of a costume by the three Moirae (Fates) is the main narrative tool. The costume could be a wedding or a funeral gown, two types of costume, archetypically relevant and resembling, connected to equally resembling rituals, as met in ancient greek literature.
The main theme revolves around the attempts of seduction of the Moirae, with purpose to delay or terminate the costume making, while they keep delicately but determinately demonstrating their power to the 'mortals' in a forced tailoring process.
The seducing of the Moirae- the deities manipulating the course of peoples lives, is an act met in ancient greek mythology. Such an act appears in the performance in all its archetypical strands but mainly formed by issues of the modern individual and the struggle to identify its own choices within a predetermined social context.
This is not a mere game of power. Both sides appear to confront with their own nature, as well as with each other, as they have more in common than what they would think.